Course Descriptions
Adult Computer Classes
Our instructor-led classes, at beginner and intermediate levels, offer personalized, customized instruction in an intimate one-on-one or small-group setting. By the end of the course, a Northstar Digital Literacy Certificate could be yours. Build your computer skills and digital confidence and get another step closer to your goals.
1) Schedules for Student Members (Option 1) is determined with input from each new group. When you begin your membership, we will try to group you with other new members joining at that time.
​2) Tentative Small Group Schedule (6 weeks)
3) Private one-on-one schedule is negotiated and customized with each individual who registers and pays for one-on-one instruction.
All instruction is LIVE on Zoom — yes, we teach you that too.
Decide which class you want to start with. Pick one of the options
to the right, then click here to register.
August 15 to September 21
October 28 to November 15
January 17 to February 23
May 23 to June 29
March 14 to April 20
Class Details

Time Commitment
1 or 2 days a week, 4 to 6 weeks or
long-term membership: morning, afternoon, or evenings

Three Options
1) Basic Student Membership
$149 Down and $49/month for
30 mins to one hour / week
of LIVE instruction (cancel
2) Small Group Sessions $383
for 6 weeks - LIVE small group
3) Private Sessions $983 for
4 weeks - LIVE one-on-one,
customized instruction
Employers and other groups
call for special group pricing.